Got Aspartame in your Milk?


You might and just not know it.

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) have recently filed a petition with the FDA to allow artificial sugar substitutes such as aspartame and sucralose in 17 milk and dairy products.  The kicker is that the aspartame and sucralose will not be listed as one of the ingredients.  It poses the question, “What else is in our milk that isn’t listed in the ingredients?”.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to stand on a soap-box and preach.  I’m not going to write about the many side effects from aspartame.  Some as acute as increased cravings for sweets and weight gain to some thing more serious like seizures and irreversible brain damage.  The key is to do the research and make educated decision for yourself.

For me aspartame has a strange after taste.  It is a bit of an acquired taste.  Milk isn’t wine (which I like).  It’s not something that one should have to acquire a taste for.  It’s milk.  It shouldn’t have artificial ingredients.  It should just stay…well, MILK.

I am interested to know y’all’s thoughts.  Should I go ahead and get some goats or get used to the aspartame?